10 Best Workouts To Lose Belly Fat

“Workouts to lose belly fat”, this is the one common search on the internet in which many people can relate as it is a world wide common problem nowadays. Are you someone who also wants to lose belly fat, but don’t know what are the best workouts which help you to achieve your goal??

You’re in the right place my dear. In this blog post, I am going to give you an ultimate guide about best workouts that help you lose belly fat and after reading the full post you can start your weight loss journey right now.

Since it’s a journey, you can’t get result in one day. So first of all, don’t give up and maintain consistency to achieve your dream.

Besides workouts, don’t forget to pay attention to your diet and sleep. Keep yourself hydrated and avoid eating fast food.

What are the top workouts to lose belly fat??

Here are the top 10 workouts which burn the most belly fat——-

1. Jumping Jacks:-

Jumping Jacks helps to reduce belly fat.

This is a great exercise for warming up your body and is also best for belly fat. To do this exercise, first of all, stand straight. Then, jump while your hands are above your head and after that jump back to the previous position while your hands are now back to the normal position. Do this exercise for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest and 5 repetitions.

2. Mountain Climbers:-

Mountain Climbers helps to lose belly fat.


Keep your body in the plank position. In this position, try to take your legs as close as possible to your hands and then return to the previous position. Do it for 30 seconds and take a break of 20 seconds. For best results, repeat this exercise 5 times.

3. Bridge:-

To lose belly fat bridge exercise is highly effective.

This exercise is focusing on your core muscles and is highly beneficial for making abs. To do this exercise, firstly lie down on your back. Then in the time of inhaling air by your nose, try to lift your belly up and hold it for 5 seconds and after that in the time of exhaling air, keep your belly down. Repeat this exercise for 5 times for better results with 3 repetitions.

4. High knees:-

High knees is really effective to lose belly fat.

Stand up straight, breathe normally and after that continuously keep your legs up close to your tummy. Do this exercise for 15 seconds daily. This workout also gives effective results as it tries to lift the hanging belly fat.

5. Jump Squats:-

Jump Squat helps to lose belly fat.

This exercise is not only focusing on belly fat but also tones your booty muscles. To include it in your workout routine, firstly do the half squat and then before standing straight, jump in. Repetitions of this exercise can be tough to some people. So do this for 15 seconds.

6. Bicycle Crunches:-

Bicycle Crunches tones belly area and loses belly fat.

Bicycle crunches is one of the best exercise for losing stubborn belly fat. For this exercise, you need to lie down on your back. Then slowly with inhaling, get up your head and keep both of your hands behind the head to support head. Next, keep your legs in a position where it seem that you’re riding a bicycle.

After that, inhale and try to get your right hand as close to your left leg and with exhale return to the previous position. Next, do this same thing with your left hand and right leg. For best results, do this for 45 seconds and give yourself a rest of 15 seconds with 5 repetitions.This exercise is toning your core muscles and trying to lose the belly fat.

7. Russian Twists:-

Russian Twists loses belly fat.

To do this, first of all sit on the floor and keep your legs out straight. Breathe normally and keep your body in a “V” shape. Then, move your hands from right side to the left side. You can feel stretching in the belly region. Repeat this workout for 30 seconds and take a break of 10 seconds.

8. Bird dog:-

Bird Dog strengthens core muscles and loses belly fat.

In scientific research, it is proven that this exercise is highly recommended for strengthening your core muscles, hips and also helps in losing belly fat. To do this, you should stay in the plank position. After that with your right leg, you should also get up your left hand and keep these in 90° angle with the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then repeat the same for right hand and left leg. Breathe normally during the process. You can also repeat the exercise for 5 times.

9. Flutter kicks:-

Flutter Kicks helps to lose belly fat.

To do flutter kicks, you need to sit on the floor first, then get your legs off the floor and place your both hands beside your hips to balance the overall weight of the body. After that, place your legs up and down one by one at the same time. And don’t forget to breathe normally. Repeat this workout 5 times for losing belly fat.

10. Burpees:-

Burpees is highly beneficial to lose belly fat.

Burpees is one of the most impactful exercise to lose belly fat. It has a combination of 4 exercises. It has jump, squat, push up and plank. Throughout this workout, you will exhale only on your hardest part and on other part you’ll inhale.

To do a perfect burpee, you firstly need a jump then you do a squat after that place your hands on the floor and knees need to be wider than your legs, then you jump back in a plank position, then do a push up and right after that jump to your knees and next back to the standing position and then do a jump. Repeat the whole process for at least 5 times for better result.

To lose belly fat, along with workouts you’ll also need a healthy colon for better digestion and for that your gut needs a cleansing. You can check out our detailed blog post about colon cleansing here and hope this also helps you in your weight loss journey.


1. Can i lose belly fat in 7 days?

Ans:- The answer is quite interesting because it depends on your overall health. Some people may get result in 7 days, some may not. And it’s normal because we are not same. So my advice is do  your best in the workouts which help you to lose belly fat and let it happen naturally. Don’t be upset about results. If you’re doing your best consistently, you will obviously notice results.

2. Which exercise is best for belly fat loss?

Ans:- Burpee is best for belly fat loss as it combines 4 different exercises such as jump, plank, pushup and squat and all of these 4 exercises mainly works on belly region. So it is one of the most effective workouts to lose belly fat.

3. Does walking burn belly fat?

Ans:- Yes, walking burns belly fat significantly. Walking is not only helpful for reducing belly fat but it is also beneficial for overall health. Studies have showed that 90% people who has just started their fitness journey, they begin their journey by walking and gradually they start their workout routine.

4. What workouts do y’all recommend for me to lose belly fat in a month?

Ans:- I’ll recommend you some best workouts to lose belly fat in a month. You should do Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Reverse Crunches, Elbow Plank, Leg Tuck In. These are some of the effective workouts to reduce belly fat in a month.

5. What are some easy workouts to reduce belly fat?

Ans:- Some of the easy workouts to lose belly fat are High Knees, Bird Dog, Bridge, Squat Jump etc. These workouts tone your belly area and give you a flat belly easily. To notice a flat belly, make sure to do the workouts regularly.

6. Which is the best workout to lose belly fat in a short period?

Ans:- In a short period, to lose belly fat you should focus more on abs related workouts. Mountain Climbers, Russian Twists, Flutter Kicks, Bicycle Crunches are some of the best workouts to lose belly fat in a short period.

7. What are the exercises to lose belly fat at home for beginners?

Ans:- Mountain climbers, Jumping jacks, Bicycle crunches, Bird dog, Burpees, High knees, Russian twists are some of the best workouts to lose belly fat at home for beginners. To do the exercises correctly, we cover each of the exercises in this blog post.

Check out this story about top 5 exercises for a flat stomach.

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