Cottage Interior Design: 10 Easy Tips To Follow.

“Cottage Interior Design”, after hearing this the first question comes in our mind that, why do we even need it?

Nowadays everyone is very busy and sometimes you feel lonely in this crowd of people and then you think where can you go to find some peace?

To elevate your mood and give you some peace, you can transform your house with the help of cottage interior design as it gives you a cozy and warmth feeling.

Kitchen makeover with Cottage Interior Designing.

Don’t worry if you live in a bustling city apartment or a suburban house, you can incorporate elements of cottage interior design through some easy and practical steps.

So come on let’s get started and lift up your boring mood.

But before that let’s quickly understand the basic principles of cottage interior design.

Principles of Cottage Interior Design:

Firstly, you should know that cottage interior design celebrates simplicity, comfort, imperfections and connection to nature.

It gives a relaxed and aesthetic look to your space.

In this designing, each piece of furniture gives you a relaxing vibe.

Now before starting to implement the practical tips, you have to know the characteristics of cottage interior design.

After that you can incorporate the elements of cottage interior design.

Characteristics of Cottage Interior Design:

Let’s quickly discuss the main four characteristics of Cottage Interior Designing to understand more deeply the principles of it. So that we can figure out the next steps to implement these in our favorite space.

• Colors:

Always choose a soft color palette in cottage interior design such as soft pastels, muted neutrals, earthy tones because these are inspired by the natural world.

As you know from its principles that it celebrates connection to nature. So avoid harsh colors. Add colors which relaxes your mind.

• Furniture:

You can create simplicity by adding wood, stone and rattan materials into the furniture.

Vintage Furniture For Cottage interior design.

Cottage interior design is all about simplicity so remember to keep it simple.

• Cozy atmosphere:

To create a cozy atmosphere, you can include layer plush throws, knit blankets, fluffy pillows on sofas and armchairs.

Fluffy pillow is an element of cottage interior design.

• Vintage Decor:

To add a sense of nostalgia or a vintage feeling, you can add unique or antique pieces of decor to your space.

Now you understand the characteristics of cottage interior design, let’s explore 10 practical tips to transform your house.

10 Easy to do Tips To Transform Your House with Cottage Interior Design:

Here are 10 Easy to do tips which you can try to transform the look of your house with the help of Cottage Interior Designing.

1. Lighting:

First thing first, keep windows uncluttered for a natural lighting into the house.

You can also use table lamps, floor lamps, string lights with vintage designs.

Vintage table lamp is used in Cottage interior designing.

2. Furniture and Decor:

Paint your old furniture or you can look for vintage style furniture at flea markets or thrift stores.

You can also recycle vintage chairs or sofas with floral patterns in lavender, baby blue or green colors for a cottage inspired look.

Decorate the wall in a collage of vintage frames, mirrors and artwork.

3. Focus on Comfort:

Select good quality furniture by focusing on the comfort.

To enhance the cozy feeling add plush cushions and also use soft textiles like rugs and curtains.

4. Cozy reading corner:

Place a comfortable chair with plush cushions and soft throw blanket and a small table to hold a cup of tea or reading glasses for a cozy vibe.

Install shelves or vintage bookcase to show your favorite books or add some decor items.

5. Do It Yourself Wall Hangings:

Create plain weave, twill to make different designs in a simple frame loom and yarn with various colors and textures.

Hang some of your personal work with frame loom weaving technique to add more charm to your home with cottage interior designing.

Hang it above your bed, sofa or fireplace mantel to create a personal touch into your room.

6. Colors:

Choose light colors on walls and furniture like pastels, whites, creams, soft beige for an aesthetic look of your space.

7. Bring in nature:

As per your understanding, you can clearly notice that “connection to nature” is a key element in cottage interior designing.

Bring in fresh flowers to connect with nature. It is a tip to transform your space with Cottage interior designing.

For that decorate your space with fresh flowers and plants like ferns, wildflowers, succulents in pots.

8. Add personal touch:

Find a corner and make it special by adding your personal touch which truly reflects your own style.

You can showcase family photos, heirlooms, travel souvenirs or artwork to that corner to create a sense of individual style.

You can also check out our detailed blog to transform your house with the help of Gothic Interior Design, Minimalist Interior Design or Victorian Interior Design.

9. Window View With Greenery:

To create a window view with greenery, bring in flowering plants, potted herbs or vintage gardening tools into the house.

After that on a window sill place the potted plants and hang a wooden crate filled with flowering plants or herbs.

Next you can add a watering can, garden gloves, woven basket to pick flowers.

All of these steps can give you a perfect looking window view and a vibe to relax your mind.

10. Clean and Simplify:

Simplicity is a core value of this designing.

Simply clean all the mess around your space and relax your mind to think what kind of elements you want to add in your space.


Remember cottage interior designing is all about creating a space that gives you warmth, inviting and cozy feeling and also gives you relaxation and positive vibes.

The main reason to write this blog post to help you give ideas for transforming your house with some easy tips.

And beside this, I want you to simply relax and enjoy your home sweet home with simplicity which you can definitely achieve through cottage interior designing.

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