Mental Health: 20 Easy But Effective Tips to Improve it.

‘Mental health’, the word in itself has a very deep meaning in today’s world. Few years ago people doesn’t even understand the importance of it and ignores it continuously. But today 1 in every 4 person suffers from some kind of mental health disorders. But the question is why? Why we need to prioritize our mental health?

The answer is to attain peace of mind, we need to prioritize our mental health.

What is the main cause of poor mental health?

The main cause of poor mental health is “Stress“. Everybody has stress in their daily routine to survive in this competitive world. But compared to their stress level, many people don’t know how to manage the stress. And now this is the actual problem!

Poor Mental health is caused by excessive stress.

Because more stress often lead to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional breakdown, poor gut health, obesity, thyroid problems, diabetes, high BP etc. The list of the diseases is very long. As every problem starts from stress which is the main culprit of your overall health.

If you’re still in doubt that how can stress affect your overall health, then I think this example will help you to clear your doubt. Now I’m starting the example.

Let’s take the example of my friend. He is very much stressed about his career. For this he can’t eat and sleep properly in time. He works hard at night and during this time he binge eats all the junk foods. After that he sleeps at 5 o’clock in the morning and as a result wakes up late as well.

Sometimes later he is diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and anxiety related symptoms. Now he is also upset about his overall health.

What can we learn from his story?

Too much stress ultimately leads more problems in our life. So we should try to manage our stress. Else we’ll have to suffer like him both physically and mentally.

What happened in our body when we take too much stress?

You might be surprised to know that when you’re in stress, in our blood cortisol hormone rises and it inhibits the flow of oxygen in your brain.

When your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, it eventually stops releasing good and happy hormones like dopamine, serotonin.

Depression is a sign of poor mental health.

You may notice in your daily life that when you’re in stress out of nowhere your brain gives you more negative thoughts and this increases your stress levels. All negative thoughts arise in your brain because of high cortisol levels in your blood.

You May Also Read: 7 Early Signs of Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore.

I think now you can understand the importance of mental health. Now let’s quickly jump on to the most important section of this blog post.

What are some of the tips for taking care of your mental health???

In this post, I’ll give you 20 practical and easy to do tips to manage your stress levels. You can include some of them in your daily routine as per your convenience.

I give you a guarantee that these tips surely help you out if you’re genuinely looking for some help.

One of my friend has overcome anxiety and panic attacks by following some of the tips which I share it with you all in this post.

I want to help my friend after knowing his situation and for that I need to do some research on this topic and to my surprise the tips worked out for him. After that I also started to implement some of the tips mentioned below to manage my stress levels.

Wake up early:-

Try to wake up early. When I was a kid, I loved to stay awake at night. I had suffered from gas, constipation, acidity in my childhood. I visited many doctors, they gave me medicine, but nothing worked out. As I grew up, I understand the importance of sleep at night.

Sleep is very important to rejuvenate yourself to fight your poor mental health.

And after following some methods to sleep early, I slept one month early at night and wake up  early also. You won’t believe but this one step helped me to improve my constipation by 50%. Not only that it also helps me to have a better productivity throughout the day.

I realized that sleep is one of the main factors in our life to keep away negativity from our brain and rejuvenates our body. So don’t compromise on your sleep.

Don’t rush in your activities:-

When we are rushing to finish any work, we feel very irritated. And as a result our day starts with a bad mood and it creates negativity in our subconscious mind.

Healthy Eating habits:-

You know that healthy eating is a powerful way to deal with poor mental health. Almost 90% of the population nowadays suffer from any kind of disease and this affects their mental health. If you eat food in the right way then you can cure and prevent all of your diseases.

So don’t skip your meals and try to eat more home made foods with lots of fiber. And lastly drink water more to help your body get rid of the toxins.

You can also do Gut Detox or Colon Cleansing to help your body to get rid of the toxins easily. Want to know how you can do a Gut detox or Colon Cleansing?

Check out our detailed blog post about 3 Natural and Easy Ways to Cleanse Your Colon.

Also read more about 7 foods which help you with colon cleansing.

Drink coffee or any kind of herbal tea of your choice:-

Studies show that coffee and herbal tea work as a stimulant to release dopamine from your brain and help to increase your energy. I take one cup of tea whenever I feel stressed out and this is my favorite tip to reduce my stress level. But don’t forget to limit the consumption of it as excess of anything is bad.

Talk to your close friends, family about your worries:-

My friend shares with me his worries and low moments. And i always try to console him and listen him. You can heal yourself naturally if you only follow this tip.

And the most important tip I give you from my experience is that if you can’t give console to anyone in their bad times then don’t say anything which can hurt the other person.

Learn to let it go:-

Letting things go help to improve your mental health.

If you don’t want to do any work right now then always listen to your heart. Don’t take stress. Listen to your favorite music. And let it go, we’ll see your mental health improves.

Spread love:-

Try to help anyone who need your help. Love animals and try to feed them as they give you unconditional love.

Keep socializing yourself:-

To break the loop of depression, anxiety and to improve your poor mental health, spend quality time with your family, pet, friends.

Love yourself:-

But how? Take good care of your skin, hair, hygiene to boost your self esteem. And this self love also helps me to rejuvenate myself as well.

Keep faith in God:-

Have faith in the Almighty. He can cure your poor mental health.

Believe it or not but He is the one who is always there for us no matter what happens. And believing in him is the greatest self help tip you can ever apply for yourself.

Clean the mess:-

Whenever my friend feels stressful, he loves to clean his house as it gives him relaxation to see that everything is kept in perfect place. This is a stress buster for him. You can also apply this tip. Hope it helps as well.

Spend time in nature:-

You can also go to the park to play some outdoor games with your friends. I am trying to implement this tip in my daily routine. You can also add it. Just try.

Make a trip:-

In every 6 months try to make a trip to rejuvenate yourself. Traveling gives you many wonderful memories to cherish in your life.

Keep your hobbies alive:-

To enjoy every moment of your life please keep your hobbies alive in yourself. You can do painting, singing, dancing, gardening etc as per your choice. Just live your life to the fullest.

Follow a good night time routine:-

To have a good quality sleep follow a good night time routine. Don’t worry I’ll quickly share with you all a good night time routine to follow.

For now you can go to bed every day at the same time for a better sleep quality. Have an early dinner. Switch off phones 2 hours before your sleep.

Limit the consumption of drugs, alcohol, smoking:-

These are very harmful for your body. It only awakes your nervous system and causes more harm to your other organs. Many people suffer from liver cirrhosis, obesity, COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pneumonia, lung cancer etc for these toxic addictions. If you have to drink or smoke in a social gathering then try to at least limit the consumption of it.

Make a habit of doing exercises:-

Exercise keeps away your stress and improves your mental health.

Yoga, exercise and breathing techniques work wonders for improving your mental health. I always perform some yoga postures and breathing techniques to relax my mind.

Write down things:-

Write down 3 reasons for which you’re grateful today on your diary. This is like a self appreciation note. Also don’t forget to write 3 mistakes from which you can learn something in your life today. This notes help us to keep away negative thoughts at night.

Don’t stop learning new things:-

As learning is the only way to keep yourself happy and content so don’t stop learning. You can read books daily or enroll yourself in a good online course to make your life a little better and productive also.

You’re Wonderful:-

Lastly I want to let you know that ‘You are beautiful’. Just be yourself always. Appreciate yourself. Be thankful for what you have.

Self love is a great tip for a good mental health.

Don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t underestimate yourself. You are the real fighter in your life. Keep going your work and be honest. Time pays off your hard work. Let time heal you. Just don’t give up dude!

That’s it for today. This post is really important for me as well because I’m also learning how to manage my stress.

If you find this post helpful do share your thoughts with me. Share it with someone who needs help to improve their mental health.

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