Top 7 Highly Effective Folic Acid Benefits You Shouldn’t Miss.

What is Folic Acid?

Folic Acid is the synthetic form of Folate. It is also known as Vitamin B[9] and it is a water soluble vitamin. It not only helps in preventing Neural Tube Defect but also supports other bodily functions. Let’s explore the other benefits of folic acid in this detailed blog post.

Table of Contents

But before jumping in the post, I’ll ask you a simple question:

“Do you know folic acid boosts hair growth and enhances your skin’s texture?”

I think you’re surprised by reading the question because you don’t know about it. But don’t worry. You read it right!

You can read more about the benefits of folic acid for your skin and hair, suggested by dermatologist. To read more click this link of Vogue India.

Now let’s jump in the post quickly. I hope this blog post surely helps you to gain more knowledge about other benefits of it.

Signs and Symptoms of Folic Acid Deficiency:

In today’s world, every one faces some or the other health problems. And a very common problem is that we all face nutritional deficiencies.

But thanks to the internet that people are becoming health conscious and wants to be fit.

Among all the B vitamins, vitamin B(9) or folic acid is also important for our bodies. If you have deficiency of it then you are going to face some problems which is the way of telling your body that it lacks folic acid.

Let’s see what are the signs and symptoms we might face if you’re deficient of it—–

i. Fatigue
ii. Headaches
iii. Shortness of breath
iv. Hair fall

Folic acid deficiency can cause hair fall in the body.

v. Poor mental health such as depression, anxiety, panic attack etc.
vi. Low appetite
vii. Weight loss
viii. Muscle weakness
ix. Diarrhea
x. Pale skin

These are some of the issues you might face when your body lacks proper B9 consumption.

Folic Acid Benefits:

It plays numerous roles in the human body.

In this section of this blog post, we’re going to talk about some of the benefits of it which you mightn’t hear till today. Let’s discuss about it.

• Supports Eye Health:

It improves eye health by preventing age related macular degeneration (AMD) which is one of the main causes of vision loss in older people.

Some studies also suggest that along with vitamin B(6) and vitamin B(12), if you take it then you can reduce the risk of AMD in older people.

• Improves Mental Health:

Some studies also suggest that it can improve symptoms of depression, anxiety and cognitive problems.

You can also check out our detailed blog post about 30 tips to improve your mental health. I hope it also helps you. For this click here.

• Helps in Cell Division:

You may be surprised to know that it also helps in cell division and thus it is a driving force for your overall body’s growth.

• Forms Red Blood Cell:

It is essential in your body as it produces red blood cells. After that these red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.

Important note:

The deficiency of it can lead to a certain type of anemia which is called Megaloblastic anemia. In this case, there are many immature red blood cells which can’t function properly in the body.

• Prevents Cancer:

Studies show that it prevents Colo rectal cancer. Although the mechanisms underlying this case are not yet fully understood by the researchers.

• Improves Cardiovascular Health:

It helps lowering the levels of Homo cysteine in your heart.

Now the question is what is Homo cysteine?

Homo cysteine is an amino acid which causes risk of cardiovascular diseases in the body if present in high levels. It is also a risk factor for atherosclerosis as it is the buildup of plaque in the arteries which can lead to heart attacks.

It converts homo cysteine into other substances in the body and thus lowers the risk of heart diseases.

• Prevents Neural Tube Defects and Helps in Pregnancy:

It is essential for a healthy pregnancy as it prevents neural tube defects in newborns. Neural Tube Defects affect the brain, spinal cord such as Spina bifida, Anencephaly etc.

Folic Acid intake prevents neural tube defects in newborn babies.
Image Source:- Pexels.

Beside these, it also reduces the risk of cleft lip and palate also congenital heart defects and limb abnormalities, preterm birth, low birth weight etc.

Folic Acid rich foods:

From the above points, now you’re aware of how much important it is in your body.

Now you want to know about the top sources of it to include in your diet. So there are some food options we can opt for folic acid rich diet. I’m dividing it for both veg and non-veg people.

          Veg Options:

a. Spinach- 131 microgram per serving.

b. Lentils- 358 microgram per serving.

c. Broccoli- 57 microgram per serving.

d. Avocado- 81 microgram per serving.

e. Asparagus- 134 microgram per serving.

         Non-Veg Options:

a. Chicken Liver- 290 microgram per serving.

b. Beef Liver- 290 microgram per serving.

c. Eggs- 24 microgram per serving.

d. Salmon- 20 microgram per serving.

e. Turkey- 20 microgram per serving.

Oranges, Kale, Beans, Chickpeas, Grapes etc are also rich source of it and you can also add these in your diet.

These are some of the food options I have shortlisted for you with the proper amount you can get from the food items.

Supplements of Folic Acid:

It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before consuming any supplements.

You can meet your daily requirements of it by including folic acid rich foods in your diet.

Pregnant women should take supplements to reduce the risk of Neural Tube Defects in their babies.

Also people with certain medical conditions and dietary restrictions may benefit from the supplements to prevent folic acid deficiencies.

How much folic acid should you intake?

According to RDA ( recommended dietary allowance), adults should intake 400 microgram/day and pregnant women should include 600 microgram/day vitamin B9 to meet their daily requirements.

Side Effects of Excessive Consumption of Folic Acid:

We all know that “Excess of anything is bad”. Keeping it in mind, don’t take too much folic acid before consulting your doctor.

There are some side effects one can face after having excessive intake. Please pay attention to these symptoms—-

i. Gas.
ii. Bloating.

Excessive folic acid intake causes bloating in the stomach.

iii. Nausea.
iv. Low appetite.
v. Low amount of vitamin B(12) in the body.
vi. Cancer in the long term.
vii. Neurological disorders.


In a nutshell, we can say that it is a vital nutrient which supports long term health and vitality if someone takes it properly in the diet.

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