Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye: 10 Proven Early Symptoms,Types & Treatment


According to a study, every year in the US, 3 to 6 million people are affected by acute Conjunctivitis. In this year India also faces the same problem like a epidemic.

Every day, 100 cases are added from various parts of the country because of the surge of the infection of the “Conjunctiva”, named “Conjunctivitis”.

What is the common name for Conjunctivitis?

The common name for conjunctivitis is “Pink Eye”, as it causes redness of the conjunctiva. People also call it as Eye flu.

What is Conjunctivitis/(Pink Eye)?

“Conjunctivitis” is an infection of the conjunctiva, which is a thin, transparent layer of the eye and that is particularly present there to cover the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids.

What are the early symptoms of Pink Eye?

The common symptoms of Pink Eye are listed below:-

• Sore throat starts the beginning.
• Cold and Cough.
• Inflammation of the conjunctiva.
• Redness of the white layer of the eye.
• Excessive water discharge from the eye.
• Continuous itching of the eye.
• Swelling of the eyelids.
• Sensitivity to light.
• Watery discharge from the eye.
• A constant tingling sensation in the eye.

What are the types of Conjunctivitis?

Based on research, there are three types of conjunctivitis. Here is a list down below which considers a detailed description about the types of pink eye. So let’s check out and find which one you are suffering from!

Viral Conjunctivitis: The initial symptom start like a common cold with a sore throat but it is highly contagious or quickly transmitted type of Conjunctivitis. It’s quite similar to the Covid-19 symptoms which transferred from person to person quickly by air borne particles.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis: This type is also very much dangerous as it can lead to yellowish or greenish discharge from the eye which gives the infected person more irritation about how to resolve it.

Allergic Conjunctivitis: Allergy is very common in people as the poor level of the histamine can’t protect us from foreign particles entered in our body. This type of conjunctivitis happens as a response to allergens such as pollen, dust mites etc. It causes redness, itchiness and watery discharge from the eyes.

How is Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye spread?

Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye spreads from person to person through direct contact, air borne particles, contaminated spaces. If a infected people share towels, glasses, eye drops, contact lenses, pillows or shake hands with other people after touching the infected eye, the other people also got infection. The virus or bacteria present in the eye spreads rapidly by these steps. You can infect other people from sneezing, coughing also. So doctors advice to wear a mask.

How do you prevent Pink Eye:

We all know that “Prevention is better than cure”. So with that said, let’s jump into our preventive measures below:

i. Follow a good hygiene.
ii. Wash hands with soaps frequently.
iii. Clean your eye with tissue and throw it into the dustbin.
iv. Don’t rub your eyes.
v. Splash cool water frequently.
vi. Don’t share your items with anyone.
vii. Give your eyes the much needed rest.

Treatment of Conjunctivitis
Keep the eye clean to prevent and cure Conjunctivitis.


Treatment of Pink Eye:

If you already suffer from Pink Eye, don’t get upset. You can easily recover from it. Most cases of pink eye, resolve on their own without treatment. If you suffer from bacterial conjunctivitis, please visit a Ophthalmologist and you should take the prescribed antibiotics given to you by the doctor for speedy recovery. For viral and allergic eye flu, you can use artificial tears, cold compresses and antihistamine drops to get better results. But we always advice you to consult a eye care professional before taking any medication.

Myths about Pink Eye:

Until now, we hope you understand the problem better. So let’s break some misconceptions around it.

Some people believe that just looking into infected person’s eyes will spread the eye flu. But it’s not true. You can’t be infected simply looking into someone’s eyes. In order to avoid any further transmission, doctors advise to wear masks because you can get infection via air borne particles or droplets from an infected person.


Please follow the guidelines of an eye care specialist and prevent the transmission with necessary steps.

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1. What is the best cure for conjunctivitis?

Most cases of viral conjunctivitis can go away with its own within 14 days and in rare cases it might take 2-3 weeks. For bacterial conjunctivitis, doctors may prescribe antibiotics which reduces the length of the issue. For allergic conjunctivitis, doctors suggest medicines after checking your history of allergy.

2.Can conjunctivitis be cured?

Obviously it can be cured as it is not a new thing in the world. So don’t get stressed. It might take some time and please visit an eye care specialist to increase your speedy recovery.

3. What are the first signs of conjunctivitis?

It started as a common cold with sore throat. Then, you may experience redness, itching, puffiness, inflammation, discharge,dryness, irritation around your eyes.

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