Here is the list of 7 signs of depression which you might not notice in your daily life.

By the Author of

Consistent Low Mood

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Feeling sad, down and empty continuously for a long time is a sign of depression.

You are losing interest or pleasure in your favorite activities or hobbies which were enjoyed by you before.

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Loss of interest

Sleep Pattern Changes

You may experience insomnia or oversleeping due to excessive sadness.

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Lack of energy

You are always feeling fatigue and lack of energy even after getting adequate sleep.

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Changes in weight

You either don't feel like eating your favorite dishes or you eat very much. Both these changes in eating habits lead to weight loss or gain.

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Difficulties in making decision

Since you are negatively affected by your thoughts, you can;t make right decision for your life and as a result you loses focus, memory.

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Negative thoughts

You are getting excessive negative thoughts about yourself, feeling guilty. Also you think yourself worthless.

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