Here are the list of 7 benefits of Vitamin E in your body that you should know.

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Healthy Heart

Vitamin E keeps heart healthy by preventing the oxidation of cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart diseases.

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Clear Skin

Vitamin E repairs any kind of damage to skin and it moisturizes your skin very much. It also protects skin from oxidative stress.

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Eye Checkup

Vitamin E protects eyes from age related issues and lowered vision. It soothes your eyes and gives it a relaxation.

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Boosts Immunity

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Vitamin E is rich in anti oxidant which helps cells from free radicals. Thus it boosts immunity.

Prevents Cancer

Some studies show that Vitamin E protects us from cancer. So you should include it in your diet.

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Brain Health

Studies proved that Vitamin E supports nervous function and lowers the risk of neurological disorder.

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Balances Hormones

Vitamin E balances hormones during menstrual pain and helps in menopause also.

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